Saturday, October 06, 2007

Three Kinds of Giving

There are three types of giving that are important to your longterm growth:

1. Giving back to the source. This is one of the most misunderstood types of giving. There are many self help and get rich quick schemes out there. They all have no term or short term success. Why? Because there is no spiritual basis for the schemes. The focus is on getting and not on giving. The first step in consistent receiving from the universe is consistent giving back to the universal source.

2. Giving to yourself. Yes, progress begins with self improvement. It is possible to overgive to others and undergive to yourself. This sets off imbalance. You must focus on your self improvement and self development if you want to help others. You must have strength, wisdom, and substance before you can share these qualities with others. When you overgive to others, you feel depleted and resentful. This causes a sense of lack and feels degrading. Give something to yourself right away.

3. After giving to the source and to yourself, you can now freely give to others. You can transform your life by transforming what you give out. Tune in to your divine channel and you will know where and what to give. You will be well grounded because you are balanced. Your giving will have more meaning to you and to those receiving your outflow. You will be divinely directed and will complete the giving and receiving circle of life and love.

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