Saturday, February 18, 2006

Downtime is Loving Yourself

Part of living a balanced life and practicing self-love includes downtime. I need to schedule downtime in my week. Sometimes I catch up on reading, spend time with my husband and family, or just click the remote control on the TV set, or sitting on your front porch literally "watching the grass grow."

Downtime is very different than scheduled "practice" time, i.e. meditation, prayer, work, projects, gardening, walking, etc. Downtime is about recharging your batteries by NOT focusing on anything. It's not recommended you do this every day -that would be "lazy" - but perhaps 1 x per week; or 1 x every other week.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is a valuable gift. It is gift to give yourself, it is a gift to give others. There are many paths to peace of mind - meditation, contemplation, clear conscience, prayer. As you travel the journey inward - whether it is for personal, professional, or spiritual development, know that peace of mind is always there to strive for.
Find your sanctuary. A beach, a mountain hiking trail, a quiet room in your home or office, a chapel, a meditation room...visit it often and remember it's smells, sights, sounds. See if you can re-create this sanctuary in your mind. Then you can visit your sanctuary anytime, any place.
Until next time./././

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mind, Body, Spirit

Today is Valentine's Day, a day to contemplate the spirit of love.
Transitions can be uplifting or they can be stressful. Either way, they affect the whole person - mind, body, and spirit. Your spiritual foundation will allow you to connect with your inner "Whole Person".

Mind, body, spirit. The mind is not the brain. The mind is a universal intelligence deep within our being that guides us through life. Some have called it the conscience. That inner voice that says something is right or it is wrong.
The body is vessel in which we travel. Have you thanked your body lately for taking such great care of you? Thank your heart for beating 100,000 times per day (Heart Facts here). Thank your lungs for breathing for you while you're sleeping. Thank your liver for protecting you from poisons.
Your spirit is your essence. In Dynamic Transitioning we ask Who am I? What is my essence? Seeking a strong and clear understanding of your journey is what Dynamic Transitioning is all about.
On this day of Love, contemplate and thank the love in your mind, body and spirit.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Meaningful Life

I wanted to share with you these thoughts on the importance of Point 1:Know Thyself:
If we live an unexamined life we will come to realize that we have devoted our time, our energies, our efforts to endeavors which are far afield from what we internally knew to be worthwhile and meaningful. We live out our lives driven by the pressures of the outside world and seek to satisfy our immediate desires, rather than finding a unity within, and building on that unity a firm foundation that gives meaning and fulfillment to our lives.