Saturday, April 10, 2010
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dust Off Your Dreams

Dust off those dreams and then get busy planning how you will achieve those dreams. Take the first next step that seems obvious to you. The energy you need from within and without will start churning and you will be motivated to go on.
You can do this for others as well. Think about someone you know who's dreams haven't quite come true and say, "Your dreams can come true. Take the first next step that seems obvious to you and you're on your way!"
Friday, September 19, 2008
Giving and Receiving

Dynamic Transitioners who practice the 7 Point Program have fully embraced Point Number 6:
The power of GIVING. Nothing is more rewarding than giving back. Nothing hurries RECEIVING as rapidly as giving. The universal law is that what you give you get back tenfold. If you want a meaningful life you must do meaningful things. How to give back personally. How to give back professionally. What is your social responsibility? Get involved. Put the power of increase to work for you.
I applaud all of you who have found meaning and usefulness in the Power of Giving. This is essential to empowering yourself and others through a dynamic action.
However, a little known fact is that giving and giving may actually unbalance the law unless you also expect to receive. If you do not expect to receive, you will not receive, and you will cut yourself off from the generosity of the universe and put your life out of balance.
I can't tell you how many people I speak with who confess they try not to feel to guilty about receiving. Does this sound familiar? And remember, you must prepare to receive, starting with mentally accepting your good. I say often, there must be an inworking before there is an outworking.
You can start with paying attention to what you notice, talk about, or give your attention to, because that is what you are inwardly identifying with, and that is what you will bring into your life. Here's a little story for you: A T-shirt manufacturer went broke. The slogan on his T-shirts? "Money isn't everything". Certainly true for him!
-Whatever you notice, you are inviting into your life.
-Whatever you talk about, you are inviting into your life.
-Whatever you identify with in your thoughts, words and actions, you are inviting into your life.
If you notice, talk about and identify with disasters, falling stock market, crime, disease, inharmony, that is what you are inviting into your life through the law of attraction.
Prepare to receive by noticing, giving attention to, and talking about what you want to bring into your life - and nothing else! The way to avoid a pinched, narrow way of life is to deliberately think and speak about receiving. "I give and I expect to receive" is a bold statement, and it works! This helps your good to appear on the outer plane as visible results.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Quick & Effective Creative Manifestation
Monday, September 01, 2008
Thought Power and the Body

It turns out, however, that many of our "ailments" CAN be affected by thought, and it is fascinating to work with these concepts. I am deeply indebted to my spiritual mentor who says that you are not at the mercy of ill health. You can turn the tables on it through deliberately improving and directing your improved thoughts. I will provide more detail in the following weeks, but for now, contemplate the information below.
My spiritual mentor outlines these "mind power centers":
1. FAITH is located in the center of the brain ('third eye')
2. STRENGTH is located in the adrenal glands and the small of the back
3. JUDGMENT is located at the pit of the stomach near the pancreas
4. LOVE is located in the heart-chest area
5. POWER is located at the root of the tongue in the throat near the thyroid gland
6. IMAGINATION is located between the eyes
7. UNDERSTANDING is located in the front brain, above the eyes
8. WILL is located in the forehead in the center of the front brain
9. ORDER is located at the large nerve center behind the naval
10. ZEAL is located at the base of the brain in the back of the neck
11. ELIMINATION is located in the organs of elimination in the lower back
12. LIFE is located in the generative organs
Deliberate, constructive use of these mind powers can increase one's health and vitality in the different areas, as well as improve it throughout the body. More later....
Friday, August 22, 2008
Prosperity Has A Spiritual Basis

The Universe is the source of all prosperity and wealth. Giving back is the key to true wealth. Give back a portion of what you are given and you will be forever prospered. Rich ideas and rich results will alway be plentiful when you remember to "return to the source".
Giving back is based on universal principles that cannot fail, when faithfully applied. Do not expect to receive if you are not first giving. This will open the way to experience true and lasting wealth.
One terrific way to lend a helping hand is to support microfinancing. If you are not familiar with this concept, I highly recommend you google it. I support KIVA.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Rename it a Success

Perhaps your mistakes are merely experiences which you have misunderstood. You called them mistakes because you didn't know how to interpret them correctly.
There are no mistakes. This is very important. You need to know there are only experiences which we have not understood so we gave them a false interpretation. Say to your mistakes, " Here is an experience that I have not understood, so I have labeled this experience incorrectly, I have falsely interpreted it by labeling it a 'mistake', but there are no mistakes."
Out of apparent failure comes success. Many a success has been built upon apparent failure. What has appeared to be a failure can still lead me to success -something good will come from this experience, so I rename it a SUCCESS.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Randy Pausch, "Last Lecture" RIP
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Career Coaching
I found out two things about teaching - 1) I'm good at it; and 2) I LOVED it. Turns out that sharing my business experience and knowledge with others is enormously fulfilling and gratifying. I'm very proud of the fact that I've consistently received top ratings for the class and that I've maintained relationships with students beyond the classroom. I love hearing about the career and life successes from students and continue to hear from students in Argentina, Spain, Turkey, France, and the US.
I also do career and life coaching. I started this mostly at the request of a couple of friends and colleagues and in many ways it's an extension of teaching, in that I am sharing my experience and knowledge on an individual basis.
I have the ability to be laser focused on YOU and your situation. This means a great deal to people - that they are being listened to and understood. In fact, I recently had a new client comment on how 'special' it felt to have that focus and she complimented me for honing in on her situation and having a positive outlook.
Thank you to all my students and clients - it is an honor to work with you and for you, and I wish you the best of everything!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Breaking Through Limitations
Can you let go in order to break through? Are you so attached to old patterns

If you want to transition synamically you must be willing to give up the sympathy and attention that come from being 'stuck'. Life demands much of a healthy, forward-moving person. You must prepare yourself the the success you are hoping to achieve by clearing the channel of old limitations and readying yourself for the transitions that are bound to change your life for the good.
Think about giving up something to make way for the success you want. It may be the release of something tangible - worn-out possessions or worn out relationships. Or it may be releasing an old habit of bitterness or the belief that you always have a hard time. Mentally breakthrough your limitations by changing your point of view and recognize that another set of circumstances is possible. Then focus on that possibility constantly. Release the past and accept the future.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Are You Ready?

Change and transition is in the air. We hear it in the political discourse, we're hearing it in the corporate environment, and we're hearing it in people's personal lives. What transitions are you looking at this year? Changing a job? Moving to a new location? Starting a business? Getting married? Expanding your family?
The first thing you want to do is identify the transitions you are facing. Some are internal and some are external. Preparation is the next thing you want to thing about. Are you prepared for a successful transition? It's amazing to me how many people plan on a troublesome outcome in their transitions. Worry and fear cloud the horizon....what if it doesn't work out? What if I don't like my new boss? What kind of strain will a new baby put on our family?
Turn that around. Plan to receive good results. Prepare for the best. Try to imagine in your mind's eye a peaceful and prosperous outcome for the transition you are undertaking. See yourself succeeding in that new job, making friends in that new neighborhood, achieving your financial goals in that new business. Preparation is necessary for results. Prepare to receive, both internally and externally, by seeing yourself as happy, content, contributing the maximum to life. Transitions don't have to knock you off your foundation. Transition to a higher place, a higher state of mind and get ready for success!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Dynamic Transitioning 2008
It is exciting to think that a woman, an African American man, and a former POW are emerging as our choices. Each one of these people demonstrate 'dynamic transitioning' as you think about their careers. Hillary, Barack, McCain, all represent major change in the greater American consciousness as well as personal change and development.
I've had many calls over the past few weeks from friends and colleagues who are torn about their choices regarding who most represents their beliefs and values. Why? Because these transitional figures on the public stage represent many of the personal changes and transitions they are going through or have gone through. Your beliefs and values often go through an evolution over time and often those on the public stage do in fact reflect your inner journey.
I've also been in conversation with many who are going through personal transitions: A new job, a new baby, children going off to college, relocation to a new city or neighborhood...and we've talked about how the 7 points in Dynamic Transitioning can help in the process. Dynamic Transitioning looks at the fundamentals of your personal identity, vision, preparation, action, and giving back. We use the tools I've developed to transition with empowerment, rather than be a 'victim' of change.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Chemicalization Process

It starts with the premise that all persecution comes from within. What does that mean? It means that the thing you are most persecuted by is your own fearful thinking. The source of your persecution is none other than your own limited states of mind.
Every time you think in a bigger way, in involves a tussle with your limited beliefs of the past. My teacher says "evolve or dissolve". When you are experiencing an initiation into a bigger way of thinking, you are evolving, but you may feel your are dissolving. Growth and expansion are not always comfortable, but are necessary if we are to go forward.
As you begin to think and grow into new thinking and being, old thoughts of lack and limitation that have long been lodged in your being will rise to the surface of your conscious mind, and they will begin to actually accuse you: "Who do you think you are that you will succeed at this? Why should you make it when you've never made it before? Why should you be healthy when you know you've experienced so much illness? Expect a miracle? What nonsense! That doesn't happen to 'real' people like you". And finally, "Even if this DID happen, it would be too good to last."
THIS is true persecution. And when you notice it in your conscious mind, it is actually a milestone, grand gateway of change and transition for your journey. It signifies that your mind and your being are being cleansed of fear and limitation, and your life is being freed of problems. THIS is your miracle. You are on the brink of new thinking and believing. You are about to break the chains of persecution from within. Your period of difficulty is actually a cleansing - a chemicalization. Watch your life grow and expand as you are evolving into a free person - able to realize your greatest dreams as they resonate outward.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Mental Accpetance of the Good You Want

Oftentimes, gradual success is more lasting because it leads to subconscious acceptance over a period of time. Lasting success is a progressive success - not necessairly a flash flood of overnight wealth or fame.
You must be able to mentally accept good and able to release the limitations of the past. Can you do it? Can you let go of old patterns of living or are you still attached to a belief in lack or illness? Do you gain satisfaction from pitying yourself if you have financial or health problems>
Much that passes for disease is actually man's attempt to escape life's responsibilities. Do you want to be healthy and enjoy a good life? Life demands much of healthy people.
Take the good from each experience and let the rest go. If you hold on to resentment, hate, unforgiveness, criticism, you will bog down in hard experiences indefinitely. Stop saying that you have a hard time in life. Who hasn't? Stop talking about unhappy experiences. Stop manipulating sympathy from anyone who will listen. This just keeps you ties to those experiences.
When you can finally let go, your progress into a happy life will be fast and certain. Take the good from your experiences and leave the rest. And then get ready to watch the life you really want begin to blossom.
Labels: Dynamic Transitioning, Law of Attraction, mental accetpance, The Secret
Friday, November 16, 2007
How to change your work life

The definition of "Work" brings up different things to people. If you love your job, feel you were called to your profession, or find that your work gives you a channel for your talents and abilities, you view 'work as a blessing and a joy. You can't wait to get up in the morning and get started. But if these things are not true for you - if you dread Monday mornings, if you feel your are being held back by a difficult boss or conniving co-workers, you are unhappy and consider your work a curse.
For those of you in the first category - congratulations. You are among the lucky ones who have found your path. You are living your dreams or at least you're on your way.
For others, you are where you are for a purpose. And in spite of all the hard work you're doing that should be giving you satisfaction, you may be your own worst enemy. Are you someone who is neutralizing your own success by failure talk, by association with failure-minded people, and by criticism and condemnation of others who ARE moving up the ladder of success? Turns out, it's easier to spend time speaking in critical terms about work, associates, even the world in general than to do something positive to change it. Pointing fingers may be temporarily satisfying but in the long run it only brings you down more and wastes valuable energy that could be applied to changing your situation.
All transition comes from both an inner and an outer working. The inner working is to realize that you are where you are now for a purpose. We get seemingly stuck in situations to do one of two things:
1. Learn from the situation
2. Give or forgive something in the situation or to an individual in the situation
You can ask yourself "What am I to learn here in my present job?" If it seems like you've "been here before" in terms of yet another difficult boss, yet another conflict with co-workers, yet another situation where you seem to work harder than everyone else - it's true. You are re-creating the same situation over and over again just in different jobs. Why? Because there is inner and outer work to be done by you.
You must pass through this before anything will change. It's often hard to see that. People say, "How can that be? I've done everything I possibly can to deal with these crazy people! It's them, not me...." And you may be right. But the fact that it keeps happening means something.
I challenge you to look harder at what you're missing. Is it something about personal relations? Are there skills you could learning but have been resistant to? Is it discipline you need to learn? Or are you withholding something from the situation? Do you have a skill that could help your employer? Do you need to forgive and forget something between you and another coworker? Be open to this. It's hard when you feel strongly justified in your negativity, but your situation won't budge until you solve this. Your choice - negativity or staying stuck?
Instead, use this current opportunity to discipline your attitudes and reactions to work. Because until you master this situation, you won't move up or out. That's the inner work.
The outer work involves doing something. If you are not satisfied with your present situation, what are you doing to prepare yourself for a better position? Are you willing to take courses at night or on the weekends? Are you willing to be brutally honest about your skills and abilities and make improvements? Are you prepared to engage in constructive activities that help you move up and out, rather than wallowing in criticism, condemnation, and complaining?
Start right where you are now. That new opportunity will open once you have gained all the knowledge and discipline the old work has to offer you. Meanwhile, ask how you can be of service to your employer and make the most of your present work.
Someone said, "Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not long remain so if you perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without. Dare to be a spiritual architect and build pictures of larger good."
Feel and visualize success right in the midst of dissatisfaction. Know that this or better will come to you when you are ready!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
How the Law of Attraction Works

You may not realize this, but you attract into your mind, body, business affairs, and human relationships that which you secretly harbor...that which you LOVE and that which you fear, resent, criticize, or hate.
You do NOT attract what you consciously want so much as what you subconsciously are, according to your dominant thoughts and feelings.
So, if you give much thought to injustice, you attract unjust experiences to you. If you give much thought to financial strain and struggle, you attract those experiences to you.
What NOT to do: Stop picturing yourself as weak or misunderstood. Stop dramatizing your problems. You will always have problems to dramatize about! Do not take on the troubles of the world. To do so makes your life complex and destroys your good. Do not plan on trouble.
What to DO: Begin seeing the good you want. Practice quietly expecting it. See the best for yourself and those about you. See the best outcome for world troubles. Imagine world leaders shaking hands in harmony. See you work situation all worked out.
As you do this daily, successful results will begin to appear.
Labels: Law of Attraction
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
How to learn from mistakes

Instead of of labeling those experiences as mistakes, rename them success and know that something good can still come from those experiences.
One way to handle apparent mistakes in your life is to give them the light touch. Instead of attacking your problems like a fierce winter storm, remind yourself that is the light touch of a warm spring breeze that dissipates the snow.
As long as you hold onto your mistakes, magnify them, and feed them with the attention of your thoughts, they will be with you and will continue to GROW in your life. Stop dramatizing your difficulties. Stop talking about them. Release them and take hold of your thinking. Deliberately think, "I cannot recapture the past, but I have right now and all the "right nows" ahead. This experience has come to teach me something good I need to know, so I accept the good from it and all else fades away."
Give your mistakes the light touch and look for the hidden kernel of "good" within what seemed a negative experience.
Labels: Dynamic Transitioning, learn from mistakes, Success
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Finding Deep Peace

So many of you feel that you are battling life, people, traffic, work situations - one day you realize you are gripping the steering wheel harder and harder on the way to or from work one day and feel that you are just going to blow your top. Your soul is getting twisted out of shape.
How do you find deep peace. My spiritual advisor says that thinking and speaking ideas of "peace" take away the air of fuss and give you a gentleness of pace. Just saying the word "peace" can slow you down and help things ease through rather than forcing them through.
Peace is the forerunner to victory. Find deep peace and know that all is well.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Three Kinds of Giving

1. Giving back to the source. This is one of the most misunderstood types of giving. There are many self help and get rich quick schemes out there. They all have no term or short term success. Why? Because there is no spiritual basis for the schemes. The focus is on getting and not on giving. The first step in consistent receiving from the universe is consistent giving back to the universal source.
2. Giving to yourself. Yes, progress begins with self improvement. It is possible to overgive to others and undergive to yourself. This sets off imbalance. You must focus on your self improvement and self development if you want to help others. You must have strength, wisdom, and substance before you can share these qualities with others. When you overgive to others, you feel depleted and resentful. This causes a sense of lack and feels degrading. Give something to yourself right away.
3. After giving to the source and to yourself, you can now freely give to others. You can transform your life by transforming what you give out. Tune in to your divine channel and you will know where and what to give. You will be well grounded because you are balanced. Your giving will have more meaning to you and to those receiving your outflow. You will be divinely directed and will complete the giving and receiving circle of life and love.
Labels: Giving Back, Self Improvement, The Secret
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Gaining Inner Strength
In fact, sometimes defeat helps you gain an inner strength you may need later. When you try to overcome a problem and do not succeed, you have not failed. You are gaining inner strength through your repeated efforts which you will need later.
Remember, nothing can hold you in bondage or oppose your good. Think of yourself as an overcomer who accomplishes great things with ease.
You will transition into the knowledge that you have taken a step toward your desired goal. When you take enough steps you will step right into it.
Labels: Dynamic Transitioning, Gaining Inner Strength, The Secret
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Create Unrestricted Supply

The word "unrestricted" means "unlimited, free, not held down or confined." This is something that everyone desires. Many of our problems in life result from our feelings of limitation, restriction, a sense of being confined.
How can you learn to activate the law of Unrestricted Supply in you life and use it to meet the financial needs of your life.? Today I want you to contemplate the concept of nonresistance. When you receive a bill to be paid, you will want to nonresistantly pay that bill. Instead of thinking, "Oh, great, here's more financial burden", realize that when financial needs arise you must say YES to the financial demand. Do not condemn the financial need. Instead say, "I have faith that I can meet this need and I will gladly pay it now."
By saying "YES" to the need, the battle is half won. The forces of the universe are then freed to go into action to help you meet that need.
Finally, if you want a foolproof way to create unrestricted supply, try doing something for someone else. The best way to get into a YES state of mind is by helping others.
Labels: Helping Others, Law of Attraction, The Secret, Unrestricted Supply from the Universe
Friday, August 31, 2007
When your world is rocked
Someone very wise talks about the Process of Chemicalization. Chemicalization occurs when your old ideas, old beliefs, and old way of life tries to hold on, while a new and better way of thinking and living is trying to appear. Your world is literally ROCKED.
I was talking with a friend today who is experiencing this first hand. Her attitude and view on life is undergoing a profound change. She's noticed that the things that used to annoy her are fading away. That sounds like good news, right? In her case, she started questioning, "If this (old beliefs) fades away, what defines me?" Doubting yourself can indeed ROCK YOUR WORLD.
Don't worry. This is very common when undergoing massive transition and transformation. Old beliefs - good and bad - are questioned, examined, and often left behind. Why? You may be outgrowing those old beliefs and the no longer serve you.
As your views begin to change, your world is rocked and many times you seem to temporairly loose your footing. When the rocking is over, your world view will be entirely different. Chemicalization means that things are working out better than ever before. And those old ideas that you held dear may have been holding you back!
You are experiencing a mental, emotional, and perhaps even physical "spring cleaning". How free and unburdened you will be when your old, limiting beliefs no longer hold you back.
Embrace this "rocking" as one of the greatest things you will ever experience. Gradually, you will clear up dominant negative thought patterns that used to control you and the "rocking" won't seem so disturbing. In fact, when your world IS rocked, you'll know you're in a Dynamic Transition!
Labels: Chemicalization, Dynamic Transitioning, Old Ideas
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Golden Rule in your daily life

“…thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”, Leviticus 19:18 It’s true: the rule of treating others as you would want to be treated in their place will ultimately lead to your own happiness.
- Practice compassion. Once you can understand another person, and feel what they’re going through, learn to want to end their suffering. And when you can, take even a small action to somehow ease their suffering in some way.
- How would you want to be treated? The Golden Rule doesn’t really mean that you should treat someone else exactly as you’d want them to treat you … it means that you should try to imagine how they want to be treated, and do that. So when you put yourself in their shoes, ask yourself how you think they want to be treated. Ask yourself how you would want to be treated if you were in their situation. John F. Kennedy did that during the controversial days of de-segregation in the 1960s, asking white Americans to imagine being looked down upon and treated badly based only on the color of their skin. He asked them to imagine how they would want to be treated if they were in that situation, and act accordingly towards the blacks.
- Be friendly. When in doubt, follow this tip. It’s usually safe to be friendly towards others. Of course, there are times when others just don’t want someone acting friendly towards them, and you should be sensitive to that. You should also be friendly within the bounds of appropriateness. But who doesn’t like to feel welcome and wanted?
- Be helpful. This is probably one of the weaknesses of our society. Sure, there are many people who go out of their way to be helpful, and I applaud them. But in general there is a tendency to keep to yourself, and to ignore the problems of others. Don’t be blind to the needs and troubles of others. Look to help even before you’re asked.
- Be courteous in traffic. Another weakness of our society. There are few times when we are as selfish as when we’re driving. We don’t want to give up the right of way, we cut people off, we honk and curse. Perhaps it’s the isolation of the automobile. We certainly don’t act that rude in person, most of the time. So try to be courteous in traffic.
- Listen to others. Another weakness: we all want to talk, but very few of us want to listen. And yet, we all want to be listened to. So take the time to actually listen to another person, rather than just wait your turn to talk. It’ll also go a long way to helping you understand others.
- Overcome prejudice. We all have our prejudices, whether it’s based on skin color, attractiveness, height, age, gender … it’s human nature, I guess. But try to see each person as an individual human being, with different backgrounds and needs and dreams. And try to see the commonalities between you and that person, despite your differences.
- Stop criticism. We all have a tendency to criticize others, whether it’s people we know or people we see on television. However, ask yourself if you would like to be criticized in that person’s situation. The answer is almost always “no”. So hold back your criticism, and instead learn to interact with others in a positive way.
- Don’t control others. It’s also rare that people want to be controlled. Trust me. So don’t do it. This is a difficult thing, especially if we are conditioned to control people. But when you get the urge to control, put yourself in that person’s shoes. You would want freedom and autonomy and trust, wouldn’t you? Give that to others then.
- Be a child. The urge to control and criticize is especially strong when we are adults dealing with children. In some cases, it’s necessary, of course: you don’t want the child to hurt himself, for example. But in most cases, it’s not. Put yourself in the shoes of that child. Remember what it was like to be a child, and to be criticized and controlled. You probably didn’t like it. How would you want to be treated if you were that child?
- Send yourself a reminder. Email yourself a daily reminder (use Google Calendar or, for example) to live your life by the Golden Rule, so you don’t forget.
- Tie a string to your finger. Or give yourself some other reminder throughout the day so that you don’t forget to follow the Golden Rule in all interactions with others. Perhaps a fake golden ring on your keychain? A tattoo? :)
- Post it on your wall or make it your home page. The Golden Rule makes a great mantra, and a great poster.
- Rise above retaliation. We have a tendency to strike back when we’re treated badly. This is natural. Resist that urge. The Golden Rule isn’t about retaliation. It’s about treating others well, despite how they treat you. Does that mean you should be a doormat? No … you have to assert your rights, of course, but you can do so in a way where you still treat others well and don’t strike back just because they treated you badly first. Remember Jesus’ wise (but difficult to follow) advice: turn the other cheek.
- Be the change. Gandhi famously told us to be the change we want to see in the world. Well, we often think of that quote as applying to grand changes, such as poverty and racism and violence. Well, sure, it does apply to those things … but it also applies on a much smaller scale: to all the small interactions between people. Do you want people to treat each other with more compassion and kindness? Then let it start with you. Even if the world doesn’t change, at least you have.
- Notice how it makes you feel. Notice how your actions affect others, especially when you start to treat them with kindness, compassion, respect, trust, love. But also notice the change in yourself. Do you feel better about yourself? Happier? More secure? More willing to trust others, now that you trust yourself? These changes come slowly and in small increments, but if you pay attention, you’ll see them.
- Say a prayer. There is a prayer on the Golden Rule, attributed to Eusebius of Caesarea, that would be worth saying once a day. It includes the following lines, among others: “May I gain no victory that harms me or my opponent.
May I reconcile friends who are mad at each other.
May I, insofar as I can, give all necessary
help to my friends and to all who are in need.
May I never fail a friend in trouble.”
Labels: Dynamic Transitioning, The Golden Rule, zenhabits
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Point #7 To Thine Own Self Be True

”This above all: to thine ownself be true,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
Dynamic Transitioning Point # 7 To Thine Own Self Be True
Knowing yourself requires self-honesty. It's one thing to be brutally honest with someone about THEM and quite another to tell yourself the truth about YOU. Let's start with the 7 deadly sins of pride, anger, envy, gluttony, procrastination, sloth and greed. How do you stack up in each of these areas?
And what about your good traits? Do you know what they are and how to call on them in any given situation? Friendship, love, generosity, tolerance, patience? Do you know what your divine gifts are, i.e., talents for music, teaching, physical fitness, nursing, law?
How are you under pressure? How do you perform when it's inconvenient to you to show up for someone or work an extra day?
Knowing these things and more about yourself help you identify your personal values and character. Upon knowing this, you can then strive to remain true to it. I invite you to review the Dynamic Transitioning 7 Point Program as a helpful tool.
Labels: Dynamic Transitioning, Shakespear's Hamlet, To Thine Own Self Be True
Sunday, August 05, 2007
"Something's Got To Give"

You say, "Something's gotta give in this situation because I'm not getting what I want out of it." This sounds right but is it?
Whenever you find yourself focusing on what you are getting you are in an upside down perspective. You must focus on what you are giving. Instead of some thing's gotta give, it should be Some one's gotta give. You need to focus on what you are giving to a situation, not what you're getting.
So that difficult boss or unhappy customer? When was the last time you came to work with the attitude that says, "I am here to be of service to my employer, my boss, and my customers today. I'm going to look for every opportunity to give a little extra in order to get the satisfaction I desire from my career." Do this and watch what happens!
That teenager? Ask how you can help that teenager. What can you do to add to your teen's life? Maybe right now it's the light touch - in other words, don't be right on top of your teen but available. Sounds hard but it isn't.
Your spiritual life? Have you given to charity lately? Have you visited your sick aunt or walked your elderly neighbor's dog or given extra to your temple or church? The spiritual axiom is that you must GIVE to RECEIVE. It is as simple as that.
So the next time you think something's got to give, ask your self what you can give and be ready for miracles to follow. Giving opens the channels of supply and you will enjoy the benefits right away.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
UCLA Class August 4, 2007

I am also delighted to announce a 1 day seminar I'm giving along with Karl Kasca on Social Media. This is a huge topic right now - marketers are wondering, "Is this just a fad? Is it something here to stay? How do I learn more about it?"
That's what this one day seminar is designed to address. It's already got over 70 people signed up and we're going to have a great day. I've got a guest speaker lined up, and I was even asked to do a radio interview for about the subject.
Is your company utilizing today's media to the best of its ability?
Explore the possibilities this summer with Social Media at UCLA.
Enrollment is underway for this upcoming one-day seminar, but there's still time to get more information and sign up.On August 4, join top marketers Beverly Macy and Karl Kasca as they lead you through the labyrinth of social media. Learn what it comprises, and more importantly, how you can use it.
Consider the numbers:
- Over 100 million videos are downloaded from YouTube each day.
- Technorati tracks over 50 million blogs.
- There are over 110 million profiles on MySpace.
Learn how to positively use these new and extremely cost-effective communication tools to influence your firm's current and future marketing, advertising, and public relations strategies.
Social Media: Podcasts, YouTube, and Blogs—What They Are and How Corporations Can Use Them meets on Saturday, August 4, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, in Haines Hall, Room 118, on the UCLA campus.
Labels: 2007, August 4, Beverly Macy, Karl Kasca, Social Media 101, UCLA Extension
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Dynamic Transitioning Success Story!

Allow me to introduce Willie Zuniga. Here is her story. After you read it, I hope you will visit her wonderful new antique jewelry site Morning Glory Designs:
I offer you an heirloom-quality selection of vintage-style jewelry and keepsakes, reminiscent of the Victorian and Renaissance eras. Each piece is hand-crafted with exceptional care, and is destined to be cherished for generations.
I first began making jewelry during a long illness, and what began as a means of keeping busy soon became a passion. I did return to work for a while, but in 2003 my recurring illness forced me to leave my job permanently.
This was one of the most difficult times of my life ... I couldn't imagine how I would remain a productive, useful person without working, let alone learn to live with the results of the surgeries and treatments that were required.
During this time, I came across a website featuring Victorian-style jewelry components - There I found a whole new world - filled with photographs of Susan's creations, design ideas and lesson plans ... all using the most beautiful products imaginable.
Fascinated with these lovely brass filigrees and jewels, I immersed myself whole-heartedly in learning to design with them. Although I was still very sick, this process shifted the focus away from my seemingly hopeless health problems - and onto the timeless beauty found in this avenue of design.
During my day-long hospital treatments, I would often bring along a piece of jewelry to work on. This sparked an interest from some of the other patients, and “Angels in the Parlour” was born. Armed with extra supplies and tools, I began to share what I knew, and soon we had a small group of budding designers ... all very sick, but each changing what might have been a terribly dismal time.
As a result, I have formed many wonderful friendships. Most cherished of these is that with Susan Street, the owner of, who has given so freely of her time, experience and resources. By maintaining a high standard of quality and variety in her products, she has truly made the “Angels” project possible ... for even a beginner can make something extraordinary when using her components!
I hope you’ll take a moment to look through our “Angels in the Parlour” category. 100% of your purchase from this section will be used to buy supplies for our project, and whenever possible we’ll feature items made by the patients themselves as well. Although my hospital visits are just once every three weeks at this time, I additionally hold informal jewelry-making “classes” in my home, and no patient is ever asked to pay any type of fee.
I find the greatest joy in the company of these courageous ladies ... they are truly amazing women! Amidst their shared joys and sorrows, they create and dream and laugh ... all while fighting the greatest battle of their lives. My eternal thanks to these “angels,” - for keeping me productive and useful ... and for teaching me so much more than I’ll ever teach them!
Labels: angels in the parlour, morning glory designs, willie zuniga
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Harmonious thinking brings prosperity and health

Lack of harmony brings on bickering, quarreling and general confusion. The ability to free yourself from these inner hostilities, resentments, and irritated emotions is like magic - it leads you to true relationships with yourself and those around you.
If you are out of harmony with anyone because of the past or present; if you feel that you have been robbed of the happiness you deserve; if you feel your unhappy childhood and family experiences caused you undue suffering - you may feel you have every reason for your feelings and for continuing to feed them. But your health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind will be destroyed in the process by holding on to these negative emotions. When you feed negative emotions, they grow. When you feed positive ones, they grow. The choice is yours.
You need to forgive and release these feelings forever. You will be doing yourself the biggest service of your life by releasing each and every one of these old memories. Mentally picture yourself in complete harmony with those who "harmed" you and you will be free. Mentally picture yourself in perfect health, abundant prosperity, and eternal happiness and watch your life improve. Form these pictures in your mind and hold to them. You are then releasing your faith to go to work in a simple but supreme way to produce harmonious results.
It works. A wise friend passed this on to me years ago and it works like a charm. Give yourself these treatments often to bring you the harmonious results you desire.
Labels: Forgiveness, Harmony, Law of Attraction, Prosperity, The Secret
Thursday, July 05, 2007
"You Must Be the Change You Wish to See" Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was an amazing man who influenced millions by his actions. He is famous for many things, and this saying is one that I love and want to talk about.
This is from Wikipedia:
What does it mean to talk about "being the change" you wish to see? I'm thinking of two different examples to discuss:
1. Social Consciousness. So many talk about what is wrong with the world, what is wrong with this politician, that policy, this condition, that remedy. Gandhi's point is to stop TALKING and start DOING. You'll want to ask yourself, "What am I doing to affect the change I believe should take place? What actions, what organizations, what aternatives are you supporting or helping to invent?
2. Personal Development. Recently, I was coaching a woman who's frustrated with her success in relationships. She's getting bitter about men and the prospects of finding and being in a healthy, intimate relationship. I asked her to write down everything she wants her ideal mate to be. She wrote things like, "Funny, intelligent, caring, interested in me, supportive of my career, supportive of my interests, has a loving family, wants children and will take an active role, earns a good living...."
The list goes on, and it's a good list. These desirable traits are hard to find and should be respected and cherished.
I then asked my client, "Are you bringing all of these traits to the table? Are you funny, intelligent, interested in your mate's career and interests, willing to take an active role in raising the children, earning a good living.....etc?" She was shocked. What? I have to BE all of those things? No, that's too much work. I explained to her that if she wants to attract this ideal mate, she needs to be ready. He's going to recognize it in her and be attracted by those qualities, too. She must BE what she wishes to ATTRACT.
That's right. You cannot ask a person, an organization, an employer, a government, to give you something you're not willing to give back. And if they don't have it to give, you can be an example of the change you wish to see.
Gandhi was obviously considered a saint and most of us are not saints. But his words are full of meaning to many areas of our personal and social lives.
Labels: find a mate, life coach, Mahatma Gandhi, personal development, social change
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Brand YOU

In class, we spend quite a bit of time discussing branding. There was a book out a few years ago called The Brand You by Tom Peters. It's a great concept. Tom talks about performing a personal brand equity evaluation every so often as a means of finding out what you're marketability is in your professional life.
The word of Tom's day was "reinvention". I call it "transitioning". Both concepts start with Know Thyself, and, in fact, that's what the brand equity evaluation is all about. You must have a baseline understanding of who and what you are and what you stand for. Then you can go about revolutionizing your portfolio of skills every few years to keep the Brand You meaningful to the marketplace.
So starting today you are a brand. You're every bit as much a brand as the iPod, Red Bull, Coke, or Starbucks. Brand managers at those companies ask this question of their brands: What is it that my product or service does that makes it different and unique? What is the promise of my brand?
I want you to do the same. What do YOU represent - in the workplace, at home, in your community, in your spiritual life? What is your promise? What is your committment? Write down words that come to you as the beginning of your journey in Knowing Yourself. It's fun and it's useful. And contact me at if you'd like some coaching in this area. I've got tons of experience to share and would love to help.
Labels: Beverly Macy, Dynamic Transitioning, The Brand You, Tom Peters
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Your Highest and Your Best

There are numerous other Universal Laws at work all the time - laws that one can access, and many do. Then there is what is often referred to as "God's Will", or "Fate", "Karma", etc. - the idea that you are NOT able to affect the outcome because it is somehow predetermined.
How does one reconcile these two seemingly opposing forces. Suppose you have your heart set on a particular job and you practice the Law of Attraction on getting that job. You picture yourself in the position, with the salary you asked for, with a terrific boss, etc. You ARE that job in your mental state. You ARE putting it out there into the Universe to manifest for you.
A week later, after all the interviews, the calls back and forth, etc., you receive the message didn't get the job. Does the Law of Attraction not work? After all, you did everything right and yet, the final outcome didn't go your way.
What's going on here? It is very important to realize that there is a higher force at work at all times. I believe that this higher force is loving and wants only the best for each of us. Perhaps this higher force is gently turning your attention to something higher and better than what you "want". For this reason, you will want to remember that you are a spiritual being with a divine plan in this life.
In addition to tuning in to the specifics of what you want and invoking the Law of Attraction, remember to also dwell upon the idea of a divine plan of your life and you will be guided to the ideas, opportunities, people and situations that help you fulfill your highest and best. Dwelling on your divine plan also helps to clear out the wrong people, ideas, and situations that are not right for you and which do not belong to you.
Sometimes the NO you receive is the loving hand of your higher source taking care of you and preparing you for better. And remember, what you fight to get, you must fight to keep.
Labels: Divine Plan, Dynamic Transitioning, The Law of Attraction, The Secret
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Stop sabotaging your own success

What if you could blast through the decisions and beliefs that create this problem? Dynamic Transitioning is all about empowered transformation. You need a breakthrough strategy to dynamically transition out of these obstacles and into the brave new world of success that works.
I want you to become permanently free of the baggage and the past. I want you to be one of those who takes obstacles and turns them into opportunities. I want you to be so comfortable with your own success you even amaze yourself!
Remember, the definition of "success" is personal. One of the first things we need to do is define success. Not what we think someone else wants - but what we truly want. T
Take an area of your life ask yourself just what success in that area would look like. Be honest and sincere. Be specific and definite. Then write down some of the things you picture in your mind's eye. You will find that when you are true to yourself, this is a very pleasing exercise.
Spend time each day looking over what you've written. This helps internalize the image of success and helps bring the landslide of successful results. You will literally be the creator of your own life. You will find a happiness that you didn't know possible when you are true to yourself and plan your way to success.
This simple technique has created wonders all throughout history. No majestic home or building was ever built without someone sitting down and picturing what the building would look like, then writing it down. No work of art was created without the artist "seeing" the finished product. The old saying about the block of marble is, " The statue is in there - the artist just takes away all that is not the statue." No great business is built on a whim. Business people develop short, medium and long term plans that take them to success.
Stop sabotaging your success today. Find the power and magic in creating your plan today. Begin to move toward your good so your good can move towards you.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Transitioning out of debt
Someone I resepct greatly says that resentment and fear cause indebtedness because such an attitude causes the debt to be a burden. Money has a 'divine' flow and needs to be in circulation. You give, you get, you pass it on. Money becomes charged with the energy you put on it. If you begin to think of a burden the flow stops. When the flow of money and it's equivalent is halted, panic and resentment take over.
Look up and be provided for. Uplifted thinking, free of fear, resentment, and comdenation, is necessary to maintain a debt-free existence. When you live in discord and criticism money seems to be repelled and quickly dissipates.
Become harmonious in your thoughts and language and overcome indebtedness. The greatest barriers to freedom are fear and desperation. Focus on gratitude and send thoughts of financial wholeness to those you do business with or those you owe money to and you will be amazed at how quickly the debts are repaid.
Recently, someone owed my a fairly large sum of money for work I did. The company was in the process of raising capital and the accounts receivable got backed up. I turned to this idea to resist the fear: This debt exists because the two partners extended trust to each other. Trust is divine and it produces divine results when it's active. I am grateful for the trust that brought about the financial transaction in the first place. And that same trust which worked in the beginning can still work and bring forth the payment.
Labels: Debt, Dynamic Transitioning, Money